Whether you’re a new real estate agent or a pro who’s been in the game for years, it’s not uncommon to feel uncertain about how to structure your business, grow your lead database, build relationships, and, ultimately, maximize profits. One common solution to help with these concerns is to hire an experienced, reputable real estate coach - in other words, someone who has dealt with everything you’re going through today and can guide your career in the right direction. This is exactly what I do with Roundbox, the Real Estate coaching program I created to help launch new agents and revitalize agents who have been in the game for awhile but seemed to have lost momentum.

The 3-Pillar Approach

A freshly-licensed agent doesn’t have past numbers to look back on or to analyze what worked and what didn’t. They’re trying to increase production and set up their business, but don’t yet have a working business plan in place, or an idea of what their strengths and weaknesses are. As a real estate coach, I help new agents define and reach goals using a three-pillar approach. These pillars are 1. Your Sphere of Influence, 2. Chase Business and 3. Attract Business. The goal of these three pillars is to help you create a well-rounded plan that sets you up for strong growth and success!

Your sphere of influence

Building your sphere of influence as a real estate agent is one of the most important things you can do. If done well, you can expect to see new business from about 10% of your sphere. There are several ways you can accomplish this. Personally, I use newsletters. Not the digital ones that people delete...I’m talking about sending the real paper to my list. Since few people are still doing this, there is not a lot of noise in this space and people are more likely to share an interesting newsletter than forward an email. The trick to developing your sphere of influence is to be consistent. Roundbox is designed to help you figure out what works best for your business, then help you develop a plan to help you influence your sphere.

How to chase business without the burnout

The second pillar is chasing business. This is often the only pillar that agents focus on. After chasing business for a while, many agents get tired or burnt out and lose the motivation to continue. I believe there is a way to chase business that can be productive and profitable without the burnout. It’s possible, but it takes focus and tenacity to avoid all of the “shiny things” that can distract you. My team is focused on using newsletters and open-houses to increase business. There are hundreds of ways the chase can be accomplished, but what is right for you? Listen to this onion juice episode to hear more on how you can start the chase!

Beyond the chase: what you need to know about attracting business

If you have listened to the Onion Juice before, you know that I often talk about being “media companies that happen to sell real estate.” This is how I attract business instead of always chasing it. In some of the recent episodes, I talk about a few ways that agents can attract business. My friend Caleb Jahr uses a vlog, I have used Facebook Live and Instagram, as well the recently launched I Love Madison Show, a podcast that highlights the city of Madison, Wisconsin. These are the things that work for me and my company. If you want to know more about how you can attract business as a real estate agent, I would encourage you to schedule a 15-min phone call with me, I would love to share ideas and hear your creativity!

Outline of this great episode [2:00] Why you should consider a real estate coach [8:00] Roundbox coaching: Neil introduces the three pillar plan [10:00] 1. Your sphere of influence [11:30] 2. The chase [14:30] 3. The attraction [15:15] Roundbox coaching explained [21:30] Accelerate your success with a real estate coach

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Mason McDuffie Mortgage www.KnightBarry.com - check them out for all your title needs. www.EasyAgentPro.com/OJ - get $100 off by using this link (both my site and my company’s website are EAP sites… check them out below) Resources and Links mentioned in this episode To get my free pdf business plan, text “roundbox” to 44222 To get my 11-question listing presentation tips, text “listing” to 44222 To contact me about coaching, check out Roundbox Coaching Join the FACEBOOK Group: Onion Juice - Ideas for Real Estate Agents And… my personal website - NeilMathweg.com Connect with me!

You can find my personal real estate coaching websitehere

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