I am STILL so excited about what is happening on LinkedIn, I decided to use this Onion Juice episode to talk more about the platform, and how less than 1% of all LinkedIn users are creating content. Back to back episodes on the same subject means you should lean forward and pay attention, this content is juicy! Today, I talk about how to launch a LinkedIn Local group, the third type of digital content, and a few content ideas you can use to grow your influence on LinkedIn!

How to launch a LinkedIn Local Event

If you are planning to launch a LinkedIn Local event, the first thing you should know is it takes more than a one-man band. To pull off this event in Madison, we had an amazing team of people...a panel, a moderator, coordinators, and sponsors. LinkedIn Local: Madison lasted four hours total, with 2 hours of networking to bookend the event, a panel discussion, and a Q&A session. If you want to start your own event, check out D.P. Knudten’s LinkedIn profile, where he posted a How-To PDF for a LinkedIn Local event!

There is a third type of digital content…

You guys know about the two major types of content, searchable and social, but are you aware there is a third type of content? (I’ll wait for your heart rate to normalize...AND...welcome back!) This third type of content is not really searchable, and it certainly isn’t social, by strict standards. This new category is LinkedIn content. This could be called 3E content, which stands for Educate, Empower, Engage. The content that is getting viewed the most on LinkedIn does all three of these things. Anyone who starts producing 3E content on LinkedIn right now stands a good chance of becoming an influencer!

Respect the platform!

Some of you might be thinking “great, I’ll produce 3E content and post it on all my channels…” To that I say, respect the platform! Not all content is equal across all platforms. Facebook has a different ranking algorithm than Youtube, LinkedIn content is different than Instagram TV, and so on. Any smart marketer should be posting across each channel, but the content should be planned according to how the users are interacting with it. If you post a real estate listing on LinkedIn, don’t expect people to like or share it...that’s not what they are looking for. If you educate and empower, you will see great results!

LinkedIn Inspiration

Are you wondering how you can start influencing on LinkedIn? If so, good, that means you are engaged! Here are some ideas to empower you to start creating great content on LinkedIn. The first and most powerful is to post about your core values. What is your life mission, what’s your sword in the stone? These things tend to make great content! If there are books or quotes that have inspired you, share those! Start a video with a quote, then talk about it for a min. If you are headed off to a conference, Vlog (video blog) about it, record snippets, etc. Another great way to share content is to talk about a lesson you have learned (be vulnerable and real). If you are excited about something, talk about it! Chances are, you are not the only one...Lastly, tag other influencers in your posts. This is a powerful way to reach beyond just your own followers.

Outline of this great episode

[1:00] If you produce content on LinkedIn, it won’t take you long to become a LinkedIn Influencer

[3:45] Launching a LinkedIn Local Event [8:30] My Network

[11:30] Some people are doubting the power of LinkedIn

[14:30] There is a third type of content: 3E

[17:00] Respect the platform

[18:00] LinkedIn inspiration for launching great content

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Mason McDuffie Mortgage www.KnightBarry.com- check them out for all your title needs. www.EasyAgentPro.com/OJ- get $100 off by using this link (both my site and my company’s website are EAP sites… check them out below) Resources and Links mentioned in this episode D.P. Knudten’s LinkedIn Local PDF Linkedlocally.com To get my free pdf business plan, text “roundbox” to 44222 To get my 11-question listing presentation tips, text “listing” to 44222 To contact me about coaching, check out Roundbox Coaching Join the FACEBOOK Group: Onion Juice - Ideas for Real Estate Agents And… my personal website - NeilMathweg.com Connect with me!

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