In this engaging episode of the Agent Rise Podcast, hosts Neil Mathweg and Mindi Kessenich delve into the challenges of social media addiction, particularly for real estate agents. They discuss the thin line between productive use and addictive behavior on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Listen as they share personal experiences, practical tactics for mindful social media use, and tips on staying creative and intentional online.

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00:00:00 Introduction and Topic Overview
Neil Mathweg and Mindi Kessenich introduce the topic of social media addiction, particularly in the context of real estate agents.

00:00:26 Defining Social Media Addiction
Discussion on the extent of social media consumption by real estate agents and its addictive nature.

00:00:49 Personal Experiences with Social Media
Mindi Kessenich shares her personal story about the impact of social media addiction on her daily life and goals.

00:04:51 Strategies to Control Social Media Usage
Neil provides tactical advice on managing social media engagement, focusing on notifications and the mindset of being a creator rather than a consumer.

00:06:35 Practical Tips for Real Estate Agents
Discussion on practical steps to balance social media usage, such as rearranging app icons and being intentional with platform usage.

00:09:37 Real Estate Business and Social Media
Exploring how to use social media effectively for business purposes without falling into addictive patterns.

00:11:11 Setting Boundaries and Being Present
Mindi talks about setting boundaries in social media usage and the importance of being present in the moment.

00:17:00 Dealing with the Emotional Impact of Social Media
Addressing the emotional consequences of social media, including feelings of inadequacy and comparison.

00:19:09 Finding Your Creative Space in Social Media
Neil discusses the importance of creativity in social media and staying true to one's authentic self.

00:22:16 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Summarizing key points and encouraging listeners to find a balance in their social media usage.