
Today’s episode features a special guest, Erik Jensen, Chief Strategy Officer of Predictive ROI. Predictive ROI is a thought leadership and content strategy business that helps agencies, consultants, and coaches create smart solutions while digging deep into their client’s systems and goals. We chat about what it looks like to discover your superpower as an agency and how to leverage that to intentionally and strategically grow your business. 



On today’s exciting episode, featuring special guest Erik Jensen, we dive deep into superpowers, thought leadership, and how to monetize thought leadership. Erik tells us about his unique background as well as how Predictive ROI came about. Predictive ROI helps agencies, consultants, and coaches develop thought leadership and monetize it by niching down to their special “superpower”. In order to profit from your superpower, you first have to identify it. Erik breaks down some important questions and perspectives to consider when trying to find your special power. Once you know where your specialty lies, content generation and having a body of work are key players to consider when monetizing your thought leadership. There is no such thing as a “silver bullet” strategy that will fix everything or make you wealthy overnight. It takes work, intentionality, and strategy to build a strong business. Erik advises agency owners, consultants, and coaches to not allow fear to dictate business strategy, because then you’ve lost before you’ve even begun.


Top 3 Curtain Pulls in this episode: 

Discover your superpower. In order to monetize your thought leadership, you have to be known for something. And to do that you first must know where your greatest strengths lie. Erik offers 3 questions to help identify your “superpowers”. These three key perspectives can help you categorize and analyze your business differently to determine where your true strengths exist. “What are the problems that you solve? What is your superpower?.”  Content creation is key. Once you know completely what your powers are, content creation is the next step. Consistency and accessibility are crucial. Erik advises listeners to “fill it (the online vacuum) with content of your own making and direction before others fill that vacuum for you.” Leverage a framework. Content creation is hard and time consuming. Knowing how to make the most of the time you spend here is the key to success. Erik and Predictive ROI have multiple resources, referenced in his profile and at the end of the podcast. Use these free resources provided by the professionals of thought leadership to help your business to evolve smartly. “It does not happen overnight. This is not a silver bullet strategy. This is not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme. This is a ‘building a business with intention’ strategy.”


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About our Guest: 

Erik Jensen: The Chief Strategy Officer and co-founder of Predictive ROI, a company whose thought leadership & content strategy is for smart Agency, Coaching, and Consulting leaders who want even smarter solutions. Our clients are incredibly brilliant business leaders who know that if something promises quick and simple, it likely won't last for the long haul. So when we work together, we dig in deep to learn your business, your systems, and your goals. 

Learn more about Predictive ROI at Predictive ROI on Facebook Erik on LinkedIn Predictive ROI’s podcast, Onward Nation


About The Guys: 

Bob Hutchins: Founder of BuzzPlant, a digital agency that he ran from from 2000 -2017. He is also the author of 3 books. More on Bob: 

Bob on LinkedIn Bob on Facebook

Brad Ayres: Founder of Anthem Republic, an award-winning ad agency. Brad’s knowledge has led some of the biggest brands in the world. Originally from Detroit, Brad is an OG in the ad agency world and has the wisdom and scars to prove it. Currently that knowledge is being applied to his boutique agency. More on Brad:

Brad on LinkedIn Anthem Republic

Ken Ott: Co-Founder and Chief Growth Rebel of Metacake, an Ecommerce Growth Team for some of the world’s most influential brands with a mission to Grow Brands That Matter. Ken is also an author, speaker, and was nominated for an Emmy for his acting on the Metacake Youtube Channel (not really). More on Ken: 

Ken on LinkedIn Metacake - An Ecommerce Growth Team Growth Rebel TV


Show Notes:

[0:32] Bob opens this week’s episode by introducing this week’s special guest, Mr. Erik Jensen. He's the chief strategy officer for a company called Predictive ROI. 

[3:01] Erik explains what Predictive ROI’s mission is as well as his unique background, his business partner, and how Predictive ROI was formed. “We help agencies, coaches and consultants build a position of thought leadership and then monetize it.”

[7:09] Ken asks Erik about his pivoting point in his business, and what pushed them to evolve.

[7:37] Erik explains the process of Predictive ROI’s transition from serving any client to niching down and working with agencies, consultants, and coaches. “We offered guaranteed contracts where we would say, we're guaranteeing you that you will get you know, 2x or 3x or 4x return on the investment with us. Then we learned something else, which is sometimes we don't have control.”

[11:01] Erik gives a key piece of advice to all agency and business owners, and explains why he believes it’s important. “I think if there's any one lesson that I would like to tell anybody who's just new to running a business, I don't care if it's agencies, coaches or consultants or something else. Go narrow, fast.”

[11:54] Erik breaks down the meaning and reasoning behind why agencies often try to help every client that comes their way. 

[12:43] Ken asks Erik, “Why agencies, coaches and consultants, like why did you decide to niche down in that way?”

[14:02] Bob asks Erik what his role is and how he serves his clients.

[15:04] Erik explains one of the key concepts of thought leadership. “Thought leadership is really about staking your claim, and we call it planting your flag, planting your flag of authority in the space that you want to own.”

[19:37] Ken asks Erik to “walk us through the questions that someone could ask themselves to identify here's the flag that I should be planting.”

[20:19] Erik discusses the importance of identifying “What are the problems that you solve? What is your superpower?.” He also discusses the three main categories to analyze when trying to establish what your superpower is.

[24:53] Erik creates a unique analogy that explains and dives deep on leveraging your superpower.

[26:13] Erik talks about one of the ways that Predictive ROI ensures that their clients are in a position to identify their superpower ability and have buy in.

[29:29] Ken asks Erik what his tips are for content generation. 

[32:04] Erik talks about how he implements systems to help with content generation, but even more importantly, “your best salesperson is you.”

[38:38] Erik breaks down his daily schedule and tasks.

[41:35] Bob discusses his experience with content creation.

[43:03] Erik explains his perspective on content generation and talks about the importance of filling the inherent vacuum online, “with content of your own making and direction before others fill that vacuum for you.”

[43:03] Erik also discusses the value of having a body of work, and how it can help build trust with your clients. “It does not happen overnight. This is not a silver bullet strategy. This is not a get rich quick scheme. This is a building a business with intention strategy.”

[45:45] Erik talks about all of Predictive ROI’s resources to help you monetize thought leadership. “Hop over to predictive We have the weekly free q&a. We also have a book on this, which outlines it a little bit more clearly. You can get it for free at predictive And it really is free. It's not one of those like, pay shipping and handling or whatever

[47:29] Erik closes with a final piece of advice, “Don't let fear dictate the strategy of your company.”

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