Bob Armbrister is the President and CEO of SPARK Business Works. Bob has led SPARK to serve hundreds of clients using a business-first approach to custom software. He leans on his experience as CIO at a national construction management firm to implement "The SPARK Way" – an approach of practical innovation that helps business leaders build tech that gets adopted (and brings ROI).

Discussion Points:

What myth or bogus strategy do you want to bust?  2:22
Tell us more about your experience with the SAAS products. 3:21
How does your billing model work? 6:20
What were your exit plans to shape your decisions? 9:20
Tell us more about your statement developers are winning.13:40
How is your business set up now? 18:00
Tell us about some of the experiences that you had, during the process of buying other agencies. 21:30
What would you say was kind of one mistake that you made. 24:00
Tell us about how you got into this business. 23:32
Is there any tip or trick that you use to keep your employee's stay? 28:00

How have things changed w/COVID? 30:50

How do you manage your team? 34:20
How have you kept the team connected? 36:31
Tell us about your experience with offshoring? 39:13
What keeps you up at night? 49:00



You don't have to make sure that your idea is going to be the winner, if you're the one, servicing the entrepreneur and so.
The biggest thing in a SaaS business is churn. You're constantly trying to figure out churn, why are people leaving? What aren't you doing? What features do you need, you're trying to guess.
Not everybody has the same exit plan or the same strategy in terms of what growth looks like. - Jessie
The pressure on software-based markets is also the same as the service-based markets.
Entrepreneurs get it right one in a million.
The more experience you have, the more value you can add to the customer.
The more failures we have made in the past, make us able to not repeat them with future customers.
The Discovery of a problem is absolutely important. But at the same time, the person who is making that discovery also plays a huge role. - Varun


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Busted Myths:

Custom software is going to be needed for a long time.