Meg Scarborough is the founder & CEO of Megawatt. She has more than 15 years of expertise in the B2B sector. She's a natural communicator with expertise in content marketing and brand messaging. Her team helps clients reach new audiences and convert new customers through the art and science of content. 

Discussion points - 

What is some sort of myth kind of bogus strategy misconception that you would like to set the record straight on? What do you get to learn? 2:14
What are those questions that you ask that can actually help the writer understand and write the technical problems in a way that the non-technical person can understand at the same time? 6:49
What's the one-liner that you guys do at Megawatt is content and branding? 9:18
You do have a range of senior and junior, from a training perspective and a growth perspective, as an agency owner, how do you foster that? 11:19
What are your thoughts on AI? Where do you see it going from the content generations perspective, and the overall future of this industry as a whole? 14:29
How much content do we need in today's world? How do you foresee what type of content is needed? 19:06
Let's talk a little bit about your origin story. Like how did you get into this? 22:36
Tell us a little bit about your process and saying yes to clients, how do you know somebody is the right fit for you? 25:14
What are some of the key metrics that you show to your clients to show them the value that you are producing for the work for which they're paying you? 27:00
 As an agency owner, what would you say is the biggest mistake you made? 32:33
Let's talk about the future, what are you looking forward to? 34:27

Show notes -

“I don't think you actually have to code to be able to write intelligently about code” - Meg 3:06
They (writers) need to understand how to ask intelligent questions that tie things to the bigger picture. And I think that's really the core skill set, that we focus on teaching all of our writers from Jr., all the way up to senior. 10:56
Curious is something that we always look for in the interview process. I think any good writer or reporter is curious by nature, and growth-oriented as well. 12:28 
“Making sure that Training is always prioritized, even when it's not necessarily something you can build back to the client, But it's really important because it helps us do fantastic work for our clients.” - Meg 13:42
There's still so much experimentation to be done before we really understand what's the most effective way for us to be using AI and machine learning in content, but I'm not really concerned that it's coming for our jobs. 17:04
You shouldn't be thinking producing a piece of content or putting it up on your site is the end. Distribution is, in many ways a bigger part of what you're doing, and then repurposing and finding ways to get that message in front of different audiences, whether it is on social media or other platforms like that. 21:22
We want to think about brand awareness, because if nobody's ever heard of you, and nobody knows you exist, then you're never going to get that downstream effect that you're looking for. 28:38

Busted Myth - 

You don’t need to be a coder to write about software.


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Show Credits - 

Host - Varun Bihani & Jessie Coan
Produced by Bobby Soni 
Edited by Priyanka Sharma 
Content by Aakash Damani, Yashika Neekhra, and Juhie Bhardwaj