Previous Episode: The Evil Inside
Next Episode: The Relocation Industry

Follow your Intuition -  January 2023 started over in a blast.  Our lease was up in February or March, so we had to look for a new place.  We found one and wound up moving at the end of the month and we are so close to my daughter and son in law now.  I love it.  I’ve been watching my granddaughter since school is out.  We have so much fun.  How am I able to do that?   Always follow your intuition.  It usually will not let you down, it may take a while for the evil to present itself, but it won’t be long.  I should have listened to mine.  I started to work for a pet travel company in November of 2020.  This was during the midst of moving and then I totaled my jeep and the first time the job was offered to me, I turned it down and I wish I had just let it go.  However, we needed more income and my unemployment had run out, so when it was offered a second time for a couple of thousand dollars more, I took it.  Some money was better than none or so I thought. There was once a brick and mortar building for the business, but Covid shut that down.  According to pictures she actually had quite a few employees.  When I started with her there was just me and one other girl.  The other girl was only there about two weeks before she was fired.  She was fired, because she called the owner/manager an alcoholic.  I cannot affirm or deny that about the manager.  However, she did accuse me of drinking on the job.  I had been working there about 3 or 4 months when a return customer was coming back to the states.  The manager told me to use the pictures I had from the trip over and that they didn’t need another crate.  I did as I was told.  The morning after the flight, the manager called me and said that I had cost the company $5k, because the crate was too small for the last flight and they had to put him in a bigger crate.  I was told that I would be written up because of the error.  I replied to her and said that was fine, but that I would not sign it and that I would write a rebuttal.  So at this time, let me explain that I was given no formal training.  I was thrown into the business, given a notebook to read and that was the extent of training.  If she needed me to do something she would share her screen, show me one time and then I was supposed to understand and be able to do it.  I’m a pretty quick study, so I was able to do some of the things.  Let’s move forward, during the next few months, I made a few other mistakes, but not as much at the $5k. I have 35+ years of relocation experience with humans.  With people if you make mistake it’s not going to kill them.  It got to the point, that I never knew if I was going to be greeted friendly or be accused of some mistake.  She monitored all the emails coming and going.  All phone calls were recorded so that she could monitor everything that was said.  There were several mornings that I was called or messaged way before hours of operations or on the weekends or in the evenings.  There were a lot of Saturdays that I wound up working because of an issue.  There wasn’t a lot of balance between work and life.  It was so bad with the micromanaging that none of us wanted to send an email or make a call because we knew she would call us and tell us what we did wrong.  We earn a week of vacation once a year.  I completed my first year and she asked me not to take the whole week at once.  I did as requested.  For the remainder of the show notes - listen to the podcast.

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