Our guest today was born and raised in Hillsboro OR and found his love for photography in high school. During his senior year, he took on photography as a senior project and then started shooting for friends and family. Things really didn’t start to take off until Roland built a website and started to take things seriously. Little by little he started to gain traction and it was his side hustle for many years. 

After a divorce in 2016 he had some downtime in business while he had to self-reflect on his life and take a hard look at who he was and where he wanted to improve as a person. He currently operates Roland Salas photography, a men’s only group,  and has just launched the My Father podcast. 

Where Can You Find Roland?

Website: www.rolandsalasphotography.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rolandsalasphotography

Podcast: My Father https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-father_1


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Website: www.againstallaverage.com

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuMcGqduDz9E2mBU5TiH36A

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