AfterThoughts: The Teenage Years was created to make visible some of the invisible cancer stories from within the young cancer community.

We're back to bring you some extra special episodes to put Series Four to bed - our Shortcasts. Bitesized episodes exploring three themes that some of our storytellers touched on throughout the series. For our final Shortcast of the series? Fertility.

For most young people, being forced to think about their fertility when they can't even decide what to have for dinner (Alice) is a huge shock. They find themselves having very grown up conversations when they don't feel prepared and the impacts of this can be hugely far reaching. So check in with our storytellers for their experiences and hear from Toby and Alice for  some insight into their experiences and the things they've learned since their own diagnoses.

For more advice and support on cancer and fertility, check out these resources:

How cancer treatment can affect fertility
Young person's guide to cancer
Fertility - TYAC
Fertility signposting - Trekstock


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AfterThoughts : The Teenage Years is supported by Teenage Cancer Trust. Teenage Cancer Trust support those diagnosed with cancer when they're 13-24 and provide specialised nursing care and support to get them through treatment.

As ever, AfterThoughts deals with some conversations you may find tricky to listen to. If you need any further support, please don't hesitate to reach out to a friend, or find support from any of the brilliant charities online.

AfterThoughts is produced by Toby Peach and Alice-May Purkiss from Beyond Arts. Sounds by Kieron Lucas and Dinah Mullen.

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