Alright. We know in the grand scheme of podcasts, 10,000 downloads isn't that many. But for a niche podcast of stories about cancer, created by two people who just want to do their bit to change some of the narratives, it felt like something worth celebrating. Let's face it, we don't need an excuse to celebrate.

So we got in touch with all of our previous podcast guests to reflect on where they were and take stock of where they're going. And the result is pretty special. 

Like what you hear? Rate us on whatever platform you use to listen, or leave us a review. We'd LOVE to hear from you.

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As ever, AfterThoughts deals with some conversations you may find tricky to listen to. If you need any further support, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our friends at Trekstock or find peer support on the Alike app.

AfterThoughts is produced by Toby Peach and Alice-May Purkiss from Beyond Arts. Sounds by Kieron Lucas and Dinah Mullen

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