This episode, AFSO21 Radio host, Kevin Ferrara talks about the massive Los Angeles fire that injured 12 firefighters, many critically.  Kevin speaks about the ongoing Marine Corps Air Station Futenma firefighting foam incident. 

As the episode winds down, host Kevin Ferrara brings to listeners attention an upcoming PFAS panel that will be live streamed on Facebook.  The panel will feature former civilian and military firefighters who were exposed to firefighting foam and or PFAS through PPE.

The PFAS Panel event details are as follows:

Date: June 4, 2020
Time: 5:00 pm EDT
Location: AFSO21 Facebook page:

Viewers can submit questions for the panel in advance by sending an email to: [email protected]

Contact AFSO21's Weekend Wrap-up Podcast -

Email us at [email protected]

As always, keep supporting your local fire and emergency services, stay safe, and keep on listening!