In this episode, AFSO21 Radio Host, Kevin Ferrara discusses the ongoing issues involving PFAS that is plaguing the nation.  Kevin discusses some work that Congress is doing and his involvement in obtaining a standard blood test level and PFAS Registry.  Kevin discusses how the recent riots across the nation are impacting emergency responders.  Wrapping up this week's episode, Kevin discusses the AFSO21 Radio PFAS Discussion Panel.

The PFAS Panel will be live streamed on Facebook on the AFSO21 Facebook page on 4 June 2020 at 5:00 pm Eastern Time in the United States.
Panel Discussion Link:

Here is a list of the PFAS Discussion Panel panelists and their contact information:

Kevin Ferrara - Host,  Retired Air Force Firefighter / Command Deputy Fire Chief

Steve Kjonaas - Retired Air Force Firefighter / Installation Fire Chief

Joe Anderson - Former Air Force Firefighter / Lieutenant Civilian Airport Fire Department
[email protected]

Jason Keller - Retired Air Force Firefighter / Assistant Chief
[email protected]

Paul & Diane Cotter - Former Lieutenant - Worcester Fire Department

If you'd like to submit a question to the panel, please send to: [email protected]

If you have any other questions or comments, please send to: [email protected]

Contact AFSO21's Weekend Wrap-up Podcast -

Email us at [email protected]

As always, keep supporting your local fire and emergency services, stay safe, and keep on listening!