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Visit to learn more about "30 Days to Manifesting More Money and Abundance" and enroll in my brand new abundance course -- while you can still get it for 50% OFF!

A lot of people think since I've published 16 books and run a successful YouTube channel (with more than 40 million views), that I must live a charmed life.

Well, these days it is pretty charming. But it wasn't always that way. Far from it.

In fact, for the first 40 years of my life, I struggled with money and prosperity -- always just scraping by to pay the bills and keep my car running.

I read all the books and consumed all the podcasts and videos. And I took a lot of action. I was doing all the right "things" -- but something was still missing.

Then I finally figured it out.

In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear writes about three types of behavior change: Outcome-based, Process-based, and Identity-based.

I had the first two down. I set money goals, so I knew what outcome I wanted (more money). And I activated my process by taking consistent action.

The missing piece was IDENTITY.

With all the goal-setting and doing I was engaged in, I overlooked the most important change of all: BEING someone who had the confidence and belief that I could attract and earn more money.

That was the main thing holding me back!

Once I started doing the inner work of upgrading my self-identity, things changed for the better. I steadily moved from surviving to thriving!

I created this program to help YOU experience that transformation a lot quicker than I did. You don't have to wait 40 years to figure it out!

Visit to learn more!

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