Season 4 of the Affiliate Marketing Podcast has been jam packed with some incredible guests, some excellent advice and has provided listeners with a great insight into affiliate marketing and what it is like to work within the industry. We have spent the past couple of weeks looking back at some of the highlights of Season 4 in terms of strategy, advice and the top industry and affiliate marketing stats, all in preparation for Season 5.

This week sadly brings the final episode of Season 4 of the Affiliate Marketing Podcast, but not to worry, as Season 5 will be here sooner than you think! Throughout this week’s episode of the podcast, Lee-Ann talks about a new series that was launched last week on Affiliate Insider, known as #AskAffiliateINSIDER. In this series Lee-Ann will be answering some of the most asked questions within the affiliate marketing industry. If you’d like to ask Lee-Ann a question and have it featured in the series, all that you need to do is pop it in the form here.

Mark your calendars because the Affiliate Marketing Podcast will be back with Season 5 on Thursday the 7th of October. This season is set to be bigger and better than ever as Lee-Ann focuses on affiliate marketing around the world. The season is also set to be jam packed with expert advice, the latest insights into markets around the globe and nuggets of affiliate marketing wisdom that you won’t want to miss. So make sure that you join us for the launch of Season 5! Also, if you want to advertise your services on Season 5 of the Affiliate Marketing Podcast, simply head to our website and check out our advertising media packs here.

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Stay tuned as we’ll be back soon with SEASON 5 of the Affiliate Marketing Podcast which will be featuring guests who’ll be sharing insights on partner discovery, affiliate management and so much more!