The connections between spiritual fathers, restoration, and generational transfer,are not automatically intuitive to some. Our goal here is to look through the divine telescopes and peer back across time at this tidal wave we call the mantle of Elijah, that began in an encounter with God in a cave and created an incredible chain reaction move of the Holy Spirit that is increasingly impacting the human race and eternity.

Elijah’s life is the tale of two paradigms, two ways of living: a success paradigm or a legacy paradigm. The success paradigm is a way of thinking, living, and developing focus around being successful while a legacy paradigm focuses on reproducing a legacy. In it, personal success takes a back seat to the success of others and investment in others. This paradigm is all about love. It thrives out of the overflow of the Great Commandments.

Matthew 17:11

1 Corinthians 10:12

2 Kings 2:12

Romans 11:2-5

Acts 6:3-4

Zechariah 12:7-9

Matthew 19:29-30