‘I think you are a better leader if you bring your whole self to work ‘

I am so excited to have been introduced to Jules Parke-Robinson - with a 20 year career in the British Military and current experience as Chair of the British Wheelchair Basketball, she has amazing insights on motivating a team, men’s mental health and adapting to change.

We discuss her experiences of mental health and leadership in the workplace as well as retiring only to be thrust in a world where she didn’t feel she belonged and struggled to adapt into a new career phase. Anyone who’s a leader or has hit rock bottom will relate to this episode!

We go deep on:

Creating an environment where it is safe to fail

How attitudes to mental health have changed over the years in the military

Creating impact and supporting people

The challenge of being a woman in the military

Demonstrating vulnerability as a leader

Listening, space, permission and freedom

Creating the right environment to support individuals to practice self-care

Leading by example

Allowing individuals to create their own boundaries

Empowering people and demonstrating trust

Understanding your workforce so you can nurture them and allow them to be their best self.

Practicing self-care, parenting and adapting to change.

Connect with Jules on Linkedin and hear more about our mental health work at Petra Velzeboer Ltd.