A few years back I realized something about my mornings - they were terrible. And by terrible I mean I would roll out of bed and then before I knew it or realized it I would find myself at the gym. Later in the day, I would notice how much purpose it lacked. I wasn't sure of where it went. Pretty soon I realized that if I wanted my life to go somewhere and have direction, I needed to build better days. It didn't take me long to realize that in order to build more productive days, I needed to begin with a morning routine. 


It took me a while to figure it out, but I began to grab some traction with my mornings. I would change it up to see what worked and chuck anything that didn't seem to fit. My mornings, over the course of time, began to take shape. It was then I noticed something pretty amazing - my days began to look radically different too. And I don't mean I had "better days" or that I felt better - although that was mostly true. My days became much more productive and meaningful. I got more done. I am learning that if you can make a good to-do list and accomplish good, purposeful work every day - you'll go places.

But that is where most of us get stuck. We don't know how to get to those purposeful days because we don't' know how to get started on the right foot. And the right foot is the morning routine.

In this episode of Adventurous Faith, we talk about the importance of the morning routine. When you can learn to build a morning routine for yourself, it can change your life. To be honest with you, I wouldn't be where I am today without having started to form this morning routine almost two years ago.

WHAT YOU'LL LEARN ABOUT IN THIS EPISODE Why a Morning Routine is so important. We think that if we can get ourselves up in the morning and start working that everything will work itself out. But that isn't necessarily the case. There's more to it. How to get started with a morning routine. It's never been a one size fits all approach. We'll talk about how you can get started and what you'll need to get started. What a morning routine should look like. While there is scientific evidence to support specific activities while avoiding others, each person's routine will look different. Ben's Morning Routine. It's not perfect, and I have changed it many times to fit my current season of life. It's working right now and producing excellent results. RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE When by Daniel Pink. This book is fascinating and very practical when it comes to the scientific evidence of timing and getting stuff done. The Morning Field Guide - This is THE resource you need to get started with your morning routine. Find me on Social! - Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn 

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