In this episode I interview Matt Newman, a financial planning expert, public speaker, father, best selling author and brain cancer survivor. Matt's story is super inspiring and he has a mentality that everyone can learn a lot from!

Matt became a financial planning expert after college and was super successful in the wholesaling of financial services. His passion is making sure everyone is prepared for the worst case scenario when it comes to their finances. If you were to get sick, would your wife and kids be taken care of? He helps people with this responsibility to their families and makes sure they are ready for anything!

One day Matt got in a car crash and he walked away from it and all was good... he thought. That night and over the next few days, he had pains in his head that were excruciating! He went to the hospital and was told he had a 'lesion' on a lobe of his brain. He did not know that the word 'lesion' meant brain tumor, until days later and that was when he found out he had brain cancer. He had it surgically removed and went through chemo therapy and radiation and has been cancer free for almost 8 years!

While Matt was fighting his cancer, he would write whenever he got overwhelmed and needed to vent. He started sending out emails to his friends and within a few weeks his email list had grown to thousands of people. He didn't try to grow this list, he just people ask if they could add people and it snowballed super fast!

This was the same strategy he used for his book that he wrote! The book is called 'Starting at the Finish Line" and he wrote it with no marketing plan. He just wrote from a real perspective and people loved the raw nature of the book and it was #1 in 4 categories on Amazon!

Matt really breaks down his story in this episode and dives deep into his mindset and his passions. You can reach Matt at the link below:

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