In this episode I interview Angel Ribo, The CEO Confidant, who has a coaching firm where he assists CEO's in making decisions and running their business more efficiently. We dive into how he started his entrepreneurial journey, how he's grown his business, where he sees his life going in the future, what he's done differently to beat his competitors, and his advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Angel Ribo is originally from Spain and has been all over the world, but is currently living in Texas, USA. He has done business in over 30 different countries and he speaks 3+ languages. This has allowed Angel to expand his brand to a wide audience around the globe.

He hasn't always been a successful businessman though, he started his journey working in big corporations and building them up. One day he realized that he was an expert in growing businesses and knew he could help CEO's grow their businesses. He left his safe job and decided to work for himself.

Since starting his coaching and consulting business Angel has done business in 30+ countries and has a global brand. He's known as The CEO Confidant and he's grown from a self ran company to running a team of people that keep his business running smoothly.

The money isn't what drives Angel, though. His true passion his helping under privileged kids in Latin America. He started a non-profit called Wisdom for Kids that goes down to Latin American villages and helps the children. They run programs that help the kids feel empowered and energized, while also educating the kids in a wide variety of topics.

If you want to get in contact with Angel you can go to the link below:

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