In this episode, I explain why I have Buzzsprout as my media host, and how long it took for the show to appear in Apple Podcasts and other podcast apps. (Hint, not long at all!)

Beware of allowing your podcast host to submit directly to Apple, as you might lose control of your show. Best to do this through

I now need to start publishing the episodes (through an embed code) over at I'm using BlueHost for the hosting of that website, with Wordpress as the infrastructure.

As you can see, these show notes are written in the first person. I'm still deciding whether to use a transcript for each episode, as they are quite short, or leave them like this, in bullet point form, or create a mini blog post.

If you need very simple sound effects for your show, check out the BBC Sound Effects library - but remember to look at the terms and conditions for their use. ALWAYS check out the license of any sound effects / music you use, and don't grab any ol' music to place on your podcast! If you want pod friendly music, I recommend NeoSounds.

If you're short on inspiration for your episode content, check out Content Gems, a platform where you can use keywords to search for content, and receive a digest of what's new on the web every day. (I heard about this through the book But I'm Not an Expert, by Meera Kothand.)

That's all for now, speak next week!
(PS Links to Buzzsprout and BlueHost are affiliate links - I get a monetary reward if you sign up to them after clicking through here.)

If you're thinking of starting your own podcasting adventure, I recommend Buzzsprout as host - click here for my affiliate link, which also gets you a little discount, and Riverside FM for recording, which you can access through this other affiliate link.