In today’s show, I follow up on some things I brought up in last week’s episode, specifically, I’ll talk a bit about show notes and I’m also going to talk about knowing the terms and conditions of the services you’re using. I’ll also talk about a small experiment I’m doing with Buzzsprout (affiliate link), the platform where I’m hosting this show.

My own adventures: editing episode from a live conversation that had all been recorded on one track.

I talk about the different functions of show notes. , and mention episode 75 of Podcast Envy

One other thing I wanted to follow up on: the account you need with Apple I referred to is Podcasts Connect.

As my last item today, I wanted to bring to your attention the terms and conditions of your media host. Have you read them? Do you know what you’re signing up to?

What about the terms and conditions of the destinations, or the apps where your episodes are appearing?

And just in case you’re wondering how I came to think about this: it was prompted by episode 257 from Podcast Insider, released on 20 Aug 2021. The article they referred to, which I recommend you read, as it doesn’t just talk about some media hosts, but also places you’re likely to be using, like Amazon Music and YouTube is “Some unusual terms and conditions from podcast companies” from Oct 29,2019, updated 16 Aug 2021 and written by James Cidland.

And that’s the end of today’s show!
If you want to know, this script has taken over an hour to prepare and then about 20 minutes to turn into a blog post!

In the next episode, I’ll be talking about your ethical responsibilties as host – and other stuff. And then I’ll probably be talking about your intro and outro..
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