Today's episode is packed with news, and a little bit of commentary too!

Joe Rogan, confined to Spotify, is losing influence
Your own influence as host

Using music to cover your difficult edits

Amazon Music's helpful email

Zencastr Introducing Smart Filters: Remove Long Pauses

Samsung's new app

I'm particularly happy to see this one: Head of Podcasts at the Prison Radio Association in the UK. Check out the job in the website,

And my own updates! I'm starting a new show in Spanish, and you can sign up to the email sequence for Adventures in Podcasting here:

And if you're looking for a media host to host your show, check out Buzzsprout through this affiliate link

If you're thinking of starting your own podcasting adventure, I recommend Buzzsprout as host - click here for my affiliate link, which also gets you a little discount, and Riverside FM for recording, which you can access through this other affiliate link.