In today's episode, Pilar shares some of what she's learned from the first three interviews for this show, and how she's getting on with episode 300 of the 21st Century Work Life podcast. Plus ,she's got a book recommendation for you. 

I'm pausing the interviews, but will be recording more in June. 

But I think I'll have enough adventures of my own for at least another three episodes, so I'll hope you'll stay with me until then. And it's also an opportunity for you to get in touch with your questions and even, hey, why not, if you're in podcasting, maybe you can come on the show as a guest. Just drop me a quick note.

06.37 mins

First I'd like to thank all three guests,

So the three conversations are very different, and so are the points of view. For example, both Myriam and Bernie interview guests and have a completely different idea of how to interact with them.

Myriam talks about how she's learned to "bring more of herself into the space", by contributing to the conversation with her own opinions, examples, etc. This helps the guest to have someone to bounce off of, and releases the pressure of them creating most of the episode content.

On the other hand, Bernie prefers to stay out of the conversation as much as possible, to give the guest as much space to share.

One thing that struck me about Craig's interview, is how he plans for spontaneity with his co-host. Have a listen to his interview in Episode 20 for more on this. 

14.40 mins

I'm starting to record the guest contributions for the 300th episode of the 21st Century Work Life podcast. As I'm recording this episode, it's the 23rd April and the show comes out on 5 May. 

I've overdone it! 12 guests! I've recorded 3 so far. Plus Ross, the podcast polisher for that show.

I set up a Calendly for guests to book themselves in, and one of them even changed the date

I'm using Zencastr to record with and gave each person their individual link. This means I'll have transcripts to work from. 

For episode 300, I'm thinking of putting together three parts: general thoughts, personal thoughts and thoughts about the podcast. I'm also thinking of releasing all the interviews as a separate show. There are lots of free platforms now - Libsyn Studio and Buzzsprout have an option for a free show. 

28.12 mins

Today I'd like to recommend the book Big Podcast by David Hooper, which is mainly about mindset. I'm finding it similar to Julia Cameron's The Artist Way, which I read on Saturday mornings at the Riverside Studios Café.

In David's words,

"This book isn't a series of techniques, it's a philosophy." So my kind of book! Here's a quote I like:

"Softening your message is disrespectful to your audience because it doesn't allow them to hear who you really are."

And this is so true. 

And remember that I too have a book: Plan Your Podcast or if you prefer to be prompted by email, I have an email sequence to help you do just that. You can find the link at the end of the Resources pages. 

If you want to support this show and are looking for a media host: I recommend

If you're thinking of starting your own podcasting adventure, I recommend Buzzsprout as host - click here for my affiliate link, which also gets you a little discount, and Riverside FM for recording, which you can access through this other affiliate link.

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