In today's episode, Pilar shares her process in creating a 3 part episode 300 for the 21st Century Work Life podcast.

This is another solo episode, but I've started interviewing again. And I have you, the listeners to thank for this. In voicing in the last episode my inability or reluctance, to reach out to podcasters I wanted to talk to, I realised how silly that was, so I reached out to one of my favourite podcasters, he replied within minutes, and I'm recording with him in June!

04.10 mins

You might remember that I recorded the last episode in both Audacity and Zencastr, to generate a transcript in Zencastr. I published that with the show notes so that you can have a look. It's not bad at all, but the main thing is the lack of punctuation. So it's not bad if you wanted to publish it, though you would need to do a bit of work on it, maybe an hour or so, for the half hour audio.

Let me know if you are using any transcription tools and how that's going.

06.02 mins

In the last episode, I shared how I was preparing to record he 9 interviews of 21st Century Work Life. Now I've released the first two parts of that episode but I still need to work on the third.

Recording those interviews was like being at a party, so something to consider when doing something like this, pick people you like!

The interviews were so interesting that I decided to release them as a different show, as a different podcast. So in the end I didn't use the transcripts from the conversations. As I was going to release the interviews, I needed to edit them. So as I did that, and picked up the bits I liked as I went along.

I opened different Audacity projects for each of the six questions, and cut and pasted 30sec- 2min segments.

I worked with a Google Doc, making notes and writing bits of script.

When that was done, which took about 2 sessions of 4 hours, I went through all the bits and pieces and found the ones that went better together. I laid them out one after the other.

Then I wrote the bits of script in between. I recorded those bits and then cut and posted those into the projects. Part I went quite well as I'd put everything in one project, and it lasted about 45min .

11.10 mins

But episode 2 was a different story. I had 3 projects for the episode, each covering one of the questions that made up that part. And when I listened back to it, to make some show notes and check I hadn't made any mistakes, I found out I had jiggled things around and was introducing the wrong guests. So that was fun!

But I've really enjoyed it. I do enjoy editing, playing with people's words and creating new sentences. 

In putting together a show like this, with different voices, you need to develop a sense of rhythm to gauge how long the pauses between guests should be, when you have a series of them speaking one after the other. 
As one of the questions in the interviews was what they would like to see in a show like 21st Century Work Life, it's made me rethink my approach to the show after hearing 10 people give me feedback!

Get in touch if you would like some coaching and advice yourself or connect on Twitter

If you're thinking of starting your own podcasting adventure, I recommend Buzzsprout as host - click here for my affiliate link, which also gets you a little discount, and Riverside FM for recording, which you can access through this other affiliate link.

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