Have you ever watched someone completely change their life in front of your very eyes? Meet Heidi Webb - non-profit fundraising consultant who has raised millions of dollars and taught hundreds of people how to raise even more.

Heidi is one of those ride-or-die friends who has shown that just because you've lived a certain life doesn't mean you have to keep living it. She is the brand NEW owner of Heidi Webb LLC, a nonprofit fundraising consultancy that focuses on supporting charities helping humans while also connecting donors to causes that they care about. She’s also a veteran Rock Your Talk Speaker (now SPEAK With Confidence - launching soon) who shared her story on stage about how a fight with a raccoon led her to refocus her life and finally accept that just working hard wasn’t the answer - she needed to follow her passion.

Just a few months ago, Heidi got her passport and traveled out of the country for the first time in her life. She was so inspired that she shared a new dream she had with her travel companion, only to meet the person she had to meet the day after she got home and get it. Want to know what her dream was? LISTEN TO THE EPISODE!

TEASER: As this episode is released, Heidi is in Kenya living the dream she shared with her friend.