How do you figure out where you want to be if you've never been there? How do you picture the life you want if you've never seen it?

Picture your perfect day. Picture what you'll do when you wake up. Explain everything around you. Share what and who is in your life and how it's better than ever. Every single moment of your perfect day - what are you seeing, smelling, doing, thinking about, wondering, enjoying, eating? Who are you with? What do you do for a living? Share every detail.

Now go ask someone else about theirs. I will bet you'll want to update yours.

I'm working on creating a bigger vision for myself because I was pushed to stretch. Listen in to find out what I'm working on in 2018 and how you can get in on the fun with me. Then download the Manifest That Shit workbook and start working on it for yourself.

I am going to look back on this year and say “I became the person I wanted to become.” I want this for you, too.

Beware: it's a short, fast-paced episode and there's a chance you'll change your resolutions or intentions for this year. I warned you.