The Conversation Gist that Dylan prepared prior to the show. 02:15 - Dylan Johnson IntroductionTwitter GitHub BlogRaymond James FinancialThe Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas05:41 - What “Pragmatic” Means06:35 - Applying Pragmatic Principles in Angular08:28 - Pragmatic PrinciplesAlways LearningReactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model: Applications and Integration in Scala and Akka by Vaughn VernonWhy Functional Programming Matters by John Hughes13:07 - Stone Soup 14:48 - Pragmatic Programmers Enjoy Change“Why should I go learn ‘x’ when I know ‘y’?”21:58 - TypeScriptMixinsReginald Braithwaite: JavaScript Mixins, Subclass Factories, and Method AdviceLet me google that for you (LMGTY) 33:30 - How do we apply these ideas to Angular 2?Rubber Duck Debugging“Rubber Duck Design”The Law of Demeter39:00 - Testing41:40 - How Pragmatic Programming Can Help 42:47 - New Year’s Resolution; Approaching Angular 2Dan Abramov: Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel @ react-europe 2015Lifecycle HooksNG6-starterPicksMore sleep (Ward)
 awesome-nodejs (A curated list of delightful Node.js packages and resources) (John)
Exploding Kittens (John)
Reactive Programming with RxJS Untangle Your Asynchronous JavaScript Code by Sergi Mansilla (Lukas)
Greg Wilson: What We Actually Know About Software Development, and Why We Believe It's True (Joe)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Soundtrack (Joe)
The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas (Dylan)
The Pragmatic Programmer Wiki (Dylan)
ES6 In Depth Articles (Dylan)
TypeScript Deep Dive by Basarat Ali Syed (Dylan)Special Guest: Dylan Johnson.

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