This episode focuses on evidence-based, positive outcomes of gender equity for everyone, men, women, children, businesses, and even nations.

A more gender-egalitarian future is one that can improve our lives. It’s a future with a higher potential for more happiness and satisfaction, reduced stress, better health, better marriages, stronger families, and more successful and profitable companies.

Research shows conclusively that the more gender equitable an organization is, the better outcomes are for ALL employees when measured against a host of key indicators from job satisfaction to lower turnover to better recruiting to higher rates of creativity and productivity.

So…instead of thinking about what gender equality  is going to cost (win-lose) we need to start thinking about what gender inequality is already costing us, less happiness, less wellness,  less life satisfaction, and less abundance Gender equity is about more abundance for all (win-win!)

A rising tide lifts all boats, and we can benefit and thrive in a world where we are all afforded our own "pursuit of happiness" unhindered by discriminatory policies, prescriptive social constructs, and gender stereotypes and biases. Let’s talk about how we get there in this week’s episode of the Advancing Women Podcast.

#genderequity #genderequality #hapiness #abundance #worklifebalance


Audette, A.P., Lam, S., O’Connor, H. et al. (E)Quality of Life: A Cross-National Analysis of the Effect of Gender Equality on Life Satisfaction. J Happiness Stud 20, 2173–2188 (2019).

Michael Kimmel: Why gender equality is good for everyone – men included TEDWomen

Caroline Strachan: Why gender equality is not just about women TEDxFolkestone
 The Invisible Rules: What’s Really Holding Women Back in Business—and How to Fix It (2021) by Holly Catalfamo (Author), Paul Harrietha (Author)

For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast