Dr. Aleksander “Sasha” Necokov is an Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences who researches Notch signaling pathways which is associated with many diseases and cancers. His research uses genetic engineering, imaging, and Optogenetics to observe the Notch pathway with precision, and his discoveries will help thwart disease. Understanding Notch signaling systems allow us to understand how disease operates in and how we can see how cells will be expressed.
With more research, using Optogenetics for example, more can be found on how cells communicate with each other offering us more insight into fighting disease on a molecular level.
Some topics we cover:
-cancer & treatments
-benefits of immunotherapy
-pediatric cancer
-molecular mechanisms of notch signaling
-sleep and cellular activity is also essential to understanding how our bodies
-environmental interferences such as BPA which inhibits metabolic processes
-stem cell research: ethics, how do these know to turn into
-human genome
-genetic mutations
-metabolic processes
-CRISPR & repairing DNA sequencing

Publications: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Aleksandar_Necakov
