Dr. Jeffrey Ian Ross Ph.D. is a Criminologist and co-founder of Convict Criminology. As a seasoned professor at the University of Baltimore, he has extensive knowledge of the criminal justice system and has appeared on many media outlets to provide his insight.
Today’s episode focuses on the philosophy behind Convict Criminology and how we should invest in transforming convicts into academic contributors to corrections research through mentorship programs. For a more thorough discussion of this, you can access Professor Ross’s extensive list of publications at: https://www.amazon.com/Jeffrey-Ian-Ross/e/B000AQ10W6/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1378919895&sr=1-2-ent
Blog: https://jeffreyianross.com/blog/
Dr. Ross says that people who have experienced the prison systems from within can add valuable insight to ultimately help society improve the system.
This pandemic will influence changes on a micro and macro scale in North American and throughout the world, so we need to pay attention to how others are supporting their citizens and resocializing convicts humanely, who are stigmatized, so all of society can benefit. Scandinavia may have an advantageous corrections system in which we may want to pay closer attention. Though an individualistic society is ideal, a collectivist ideology can help humanity thrive as well so that vulnerable populations are not further marginalized.
Website: https://jeffreyianross.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeffreyianross
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeffreyianross/


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