Jaime Chevalier is the owner of Textures, a salon in Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario, who is feeling the intense effects of the COVID-10 pandemic. Jaimie is adapting the best way she knows how by connecting with her clients and contributing to her community at the same time. In exchange for their food donation, she dropped off pre-mixed color for her clients to touch up their roots, helping them feel somewhat normal during these unprecedented times.
Jaime hopes to maintain a sense of normalcy again soon so she can reconnect with her clients on a more personal level to offer the spa-like treatment they once had in the salon. With the use of PPE for protection against the coronavirus, this will be an obstacle, though she is confident that she will find her way through it.
Like many small business owners across the country, innovating may be the only way to sustain her once-thriving pre-COVID19 business. Though she says she has gone through many tissue boxes over the past weeks, she is determined to find a way to grow since her entire livelihood is dependent on this investment with her genuine love of serving her clients.
