In the first season finale, Dr. Josh Axe and Dr. Will Cole join #Adulting with Zack Peter and Nikki Sharp to bust the biggest health trends making a buzz right now. 

Breaking down: 

Collagen: Is it really the holy grail? Crystals: Is there science to support these? What about Gwyneth Paltrow’s jade egg? Magic mushrooms?? CBD: Is it weed? Is it doctor-approved? Essential oils… why do Avon moms keep trying to sell us these?

Keep up with Dr. Axe at @drjoshaxe and Dr. Cole @drwillcole and order his new book 'Ketotarian' now: 

Check out our trusted pals @HUMNutrition — use code ADULTING at to connect with your personal nutritionist and get 20% off your first order. 

Keep up with us @theadultingpodcast on Instagram and don’t forget to subscribe and tune in every Tuesday! (A 5-star review wouldn’t hurt either!) 

Keep up with Nikki @nikkisharp and Zack and @justplainzack