Lauren is joined this week by the Seven Dollar Millionaire. The two walk through the 7 stages to financial freedom as outlined in his book Happy Ever After: Financial Freedom Isn't a Fairytale. The Seven Dollar Millionaire has felt a sense of deep frustration with global education systems not teaching financial literacy since becoming an investment analyst more than 2 decades ago and realizing how much of the world was being denied some powerful, simple tools. This frustration became more intense 20 years later on realizing his own daughter was about to leave school with no formal financial training either, and so he set about writing a book to show her the route to financial freedom, starting from not even knowing what money is. In fact, his pseudonym comes from his daughter, who asked him what was the smallest amount of money she would need to save every day to become a millionaire before retiring: $7. That’s the kind of simple, encouraging and empowering information he likes to communicate, that could bring financial freedom to so many people. So far he has self-published “The Thousand Dollar Journal” to be distributed to beginner savers, migrant workers and many other groups starting out, while the book he wrote for his daughter “Happy Ever After: Financial Freedom Isn’t A Fairytale” is now being published by Wiley.

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