This week, Lauren is joined by Amanda Cassar and the two discuss financial abuse: what it is, how to recognize it, and how to talk about it. Amanda Cassar is a financial adviser who also holds a Master of Financial Planning and runs her two businesses, Wealth Planning Partners and Trusted Aged Care Services from her office on the Gold Coast of Australia. Amanda runs a family business with both her adult children and sister-in-law working in the business, assisting clients Australia wide with their wealth creation and protection needs.  She is a lover of travel, reading, music, movies and lifelong learning! Amanda is also the current Australian Chair for the Million Dollar Round Table, the premier organisation for financial advisers around the world. When writing her book, Financial Secrets Revealed, she stumbled onto the phenomenon of financial abuse which has inspired her to design a course for financial advisers and professionals globally to become Financial Abuse Specialists™ in collaboration with UK firm, Standards International.

For more information on the Financial Abuse Specialist™ certification, visit And don't forget to look up #saysomething.

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