What started as a conversation about buying a vacation home led to the realization that they couldn’t even afford a vacation! This week, Lauren interviews the Debt Free Guys, David and John, about their journey of getting out of debt, which leads to a
whole conversation about their journey to becoming the Debt Free Guys, which wonderfully includes house hacking. The first step, once they realized they were in a financial mess, was to go through their inflows and outflows. That led to further questioning about their money stories: why did they overspend? We all have money stories that we must work through so we can understand
ourselves. David and John explained to Lauren that they were able to dig out of debt using a budget, which in their opinion is key for getting out of debt. They were candid enough to share that their budget was a little too much like a crash diet, leading to a debt bounce back after they’d paid the original debt off. That led to a true lifestyle change. That brough Lauren to one of her favorite topics: house hacking. The Debt Free Guys are kind enough to share their experience house hacking a duplex in Toledo, OH. Are they going to house hack again soon now that they’ve been there a year? They aren’t sure, but they do want to retire to a small town in Spain. They agree on that.

If you liked this episode, you’ll also like episode 138 with Justin from the Price of Avocado Toast, where we talked a lot about blowing through a settlement, getting into debt, and crawling back out better and stronger on the other side.

About the Debt Free Guys:

David & John Auten-Schneider, the founders of Debt Free Guys® and the hosts of the Queer Money® podcast.

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