Lauren had to start by asking about his entrepreneurial journey to date, which is extensive even though he’s only 24. Andres’s drive may have simply continued when he quit baseball after taking it very seriously for 14 years. That’s when he was introduced to the world of sneaker sales. While still in college, he created a company flipping sneakers. It was a “very profitable 8 months” before the stores closed for Covid. Meanwhile, Andres was renting licenses for bots that sourced sneakers in a Discord community. At its peak, he was making about $14k profit per month with 9 employees, but Covid shut that down too. Andres then went and got a “real” adult job. This job still allows him to build on the side and fosters his entrepreneurial spirit. Lauren agrees with this approach: get into sales and bank that money early. It’s what she did. Add a financially savvy partner to the mix? Then, you’re really cooking with fire. Andres and his girlfriend are setting a strong foundation now. Interestingly, Andres credits some of his early struggles with his willingness to sacrifice now to set a foundation. Both Andres and Lauren agree that young people should live frugally longer than they do. And it’s so much easier if you instill those habits early on.

If you liked this episode, you’ll also like our bonus episode between episodes 110 and 111, which is a Twitter Space about sales. Also number 140, about building online businesses.

Also mentioned: Episode 130 with Suni and Episode 75 with Tracey.

About Andres Sanchez:

At 24 years old, Andres has already founded 4 companies. Two of them, one of which was founded with his best friend and business partner, each went on to do 6 figures in sales. Due to Covid, only one of the businesses still operates. Andres’ newest venture is the podcast The Virtual Ventures Podcast where he interviews amazing entrepreneurs (like me). His day job is a software sales role at a top 20 tech company!

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