A casual chat with Donna Poulidis and Danielle Daou, about their true life stories and their journey and challenges that led them to finding their purpose and the creation of Pranalakshmi.

Donna Poulidis is an Intuitive Life Coach, Yoga Teacher RYT, Meditation Facilitator. She is a multi-passionate entrepreneur. Her wholistic approach to Coaching with private clients and groups, includes modalities that fuel and nourish the whole self: yoga, meditation, visualization, breath work and physical exercises. Her mission is to help women feel safe and whole in their bodies. Donna is fascinated with techniques that enhance our mental abilities, allowing us to shift our mindset and paradigms to function from a clearer and more connected state. She is known for her "chocolatey" voice that soothes the soul, recording mantras and meditations to bring you peace and connect you to your authentic self. Donna currently lives in Greece with her son and coaches clients in person and online. Connect with her on Instagram and Facebook @donnapranalakshmi 

Danielle Daou is a speaker, writer and Relationship, Lifestyle & Nutrition Coach who works with men and women through tailored programs that help them achieve an empowered self-relationship, boost their immune system, reach their ideal body weight naturally and sustain a healthy body, mind and spirit for life.
Through the powerful technique of Command Cell Therapy, she purposely helps individuals of all ages, heal their bodies from chronic illnesses, emotional blockages or traumas that have persisted for many years.
She comes from a multi-national background, lived in multiple countries and through her childhood, became fascinated with understanding of diverse cultures and human behaviour.

Find these recordings at www.pranalakshmi.com.