In order to take your emotional health and self-awareness journey seriously, you must be willing to let other things go.


As authentic leadership consultants, Adrian and Bri admit that their way of doing things is uncomfortable for most individuals. 


Why? Because most aren’t willing to lean into temporary pain and instead often settle to temporarily alleviate anxiety if it sacrifices genuine progress.


In the preceding episode, we observed an inclination towards avoiding pain, evident both at the individual and societal levels. 


As we seek comfort and security, our journeys often veer away from discomfort, challenges, and potential adversities. 


The prevailing pattern of evading pain, should it continue unchecked, poses the potential to hinder our authentic progress.


At New Rules, we exist to launch authentic individuals who create credible cultures. 


In Episode 32, we dive deeper into what hinders people and organizations from becoming authentically who they are. 


We’ll discuss:

How to remain present

The importance of community

We alleviating anxiety immediately hinders long term progress

You can’t effectively journey alone when growing in emotional intelligence

Sacrificing for a season, in order to reach a long-term goal


Don’t miss this powerful continuation of our ‘resilience’ in the real world episode. To stay connected, visit us at the following places and help us guide you on your journey to becoming an authentic leader!


LinkedIn: Adrian Crawford

Instagram: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules


More of a visual person? 

You can WATCH today’s episode on our Youtube Channel: 
