Have you ever wondered about the real impact of therapy on mental health? Or mental health on leadership capacity?

This week, our hosts open up about the profound and often challenging journey of mental health and the transformative power of therapy.

Bri and Adrian share their personal experiences, providing a raw and authentic look at their paths to mental wellness and their thoughts on the struggles and benefits of therapy.

We tackle finding the right therapist. It’s not just about getting support; it’s about ensuring that your therapist holds you accountable and helps you make real, tangible progress, rather than allowing you to stay stuck in unproductive patterns.

We also explore the concept of being truly made well. Have you ever considered that some of your unresolved issues might be intertwined with your identity? Are you actively working towards healing, or are you holding on to familiar pain because it’s become a part of who you are?

Whether you are a corporate leader, parent, or any individual who finds themselves in a position of leadership - we hope this podcast brings you one step closer on the journey to becoming authentically yourself. 


More of a visual person? 

You can WATCH today’s episode on our Youtube Channel: 

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford


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LinkedIn: Adrian Crawford

Instagram: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules