Unity is not formed for the sake of unity. 

When we move forward, we must move with a purpose.

To kick off Black History Month, we’re recognizing not only the leaders that came before us - but what it means to move with a mission.

First, we examine the complex life of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - and how he represented the nuance of authentic leadership through internal struggles and external triumph.

Specifically, we’ll look into:


The FBI Wiretaps of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. and “King: a Life” (Jonathan Eig)  Managing the tension: the generational impact of Dr. King and the personal struggles he faced with confrontation and infidelity  Why it’s important to know the ‘whole story’ I  have a dream was written at 11:00pm the night before The importance of standing by your convictions We never reach perfection, but find joy in the pursuit of betterment Why it’s important to ‘hold’ personal pain and not project on family/friends Learning to act according to environments you find yourself in How Adrian managed authentic leadership while mourning the reality of police brutality and present discrimination You need to empower others, not just those who look like you What will happen with the 2024 election?


After participating in this brief overview around moving with a mission, we hope you find yourself not only inspired -  but better equipped to take on the challenges that lay before you. 


More of a visual person? 

You can WATCH today’s episode on our Youtube Channel: 

Youtube: youtube.com/cadriancrawford


To stay connected, visit us at the following places and help us guide you on your journey to becoming an authentic leader!


LinkedIn: Adrian Crawford

Instagram: @writenewrules

TikTok: @writenewrules