Founder and President of the Men’s ADHD Support Group Marc Almodovar and Shane Thrapp ADHD Coach and Operations Director, have a raw, eye-opening talk about domestic violence against men on today's episode of the Men's ADHD Support Podcast.

Today, we will shed light on the less obvious forms of emotional and mental abuse many men face behind closed doors. We want to discuss how ADHD can make men more vulnerable to entering and staying in toxic relationships.

We will share startling stats on how frequently men endure domestic violence, contrary to popular belief, and discuss the critical first steps men should take to get help if they suspect they're in an unhealthy relationship—like being vulnerable with trusted friends or seeking professional support.

We desire to create a judgment-free space for men to get honest about oft-overlooked abuse dynamics. 

Men, you deserve love, respect, and happiness. As Men, we must empower ourselves to walk away from anything less.

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