Getting started on crappy tasks can be very difficult, like trying to push open a concrete door. Let's discuss how to get that door open!

Why ADHD Big Brother?
I created this ADHD podcast because it is the podcast about ADHD that I wish I had when I was first diagnosed and learning to navigate and manage my own ADHD.

Need more ADHD support? Join the ADHD Big Brother Community. It's more than an adult ADHD support group, it's a mastermind. It's ultra accountability. We are overcoming our lack of motivation and getting started on things.

The ADHD Big Brother community is your judgment-free, shame-free community of adults with ADHD - all moving our needles forward on the important things in our life. We body double, we share insights, we have live, bi-monthly goal's awesome! I live there and give/get ADHD support every day.

Explore the ADHD Big Brother Community

Got something you'd like to discuss? I offer everyone one FREE 30 minute zoom chat. We can discuss an ADHD hurdle, get some ADHD and Depresh Big Brothering, ask me questions about the community and/or discuss working with me one on one. Or just simply meet to say hi. I LOVE meeting new people! Book your zoom chat here

Have questions, comments, or want to do a classic ADHD overshare about something? Awesome! I love that and I personally respond to every email: CONTACT ME HERE
