God I love metaphors! They make everything so clear to me. This week I've been riddled with extra helpings of ruminating thoughts, so what better time to talk about.

Today I go into what I do to get on the other end of my ruminatings, my intrusive thoughts...when I get stuck inside my head and can't seem to pull away.

What do you do to get on the other end of your ruminating thoughts?

Here's the link to my No Haircut Healthy Lifestyle Change pictures.

Check out the 8 Essential ADHD Big Brother Episodes, curated and ordered specifically to get you primed and ready to successfully manage your ADHD life!

Ready to join the ADHD Big Brother Community? It's more than an adult ADHD support group, it's a mastermind. It's ultra accountability. We are overcoming our lack of motivation and getting started on things.

Click here to learn more about the ADHD Big Brother Community

Hear it from the community members:

The ADHD Big Brother Community has been the most important instrument in starting to sort out my life after getting diagnosed. I feel incredibly lucky to have found this community and it’s been worth every penny." - Gweilove

Joining the ADHD Big Brother community has been a huge game-changer for me. Russ has built an effective platform for ADHDers to get together and actually get stuff done. Whether it’s the daily check-ins for consistent accountability, or the resource library of tools and apps that have worked for other forum members - there is a ton of value. - Greg

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