Today Coach Blu interviews Lisa Smith-BatchenEndurance Athlete & Personal Coach. Stories about Lisa’s athletic achievements have appeared on the covers of The NY Times, The LA Times, The Washington Post and Winning Magazine. Additionally, she has appeared in Runner’s World, Sports Illustrated for Women, ESPN Magazine, Outside Magazine, Ultrarunning, Trail Runner, Running Times and numerous other national and international publications.

As always, we'd love to have you invite to check out our website, You'll find all of our backlog podcast, information on recovery, how to become a sober coach with Team Addict to Athlete. And right now on our race tabs, you can jump on and register for our 2023 Proxy Run. This is in correlation with recovery month in September. On September 9th, we invite you to come down to Spanish Fork, Utah to run proxy for a family member or friend that may have lost their battle to addiction or mental health, or maybe that's out there struggling and you want to give them a little push of support. Come participate in the Proxy Run. Registration's open.