Today Blu interviews Drew Mulvey MS, CDN, CNS, CLT, PNL1, CISN. Drew graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Bridgeport with a Master of Science in Human Nutrition in 2018 and received a Bachelor of Arts in Biology in 2012.  She is currently certified by the state of Connecticut as a Certified Dietitian/Nutritionist as well as a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Leap Therapist, Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Integrative Sports Nutritionist, and has her own practice Redeeming Life Nutrition, LLC.  

Drew has gained her nutrition experience working in several arenas including weight loss clinics, personal training, interning under a naturopathic doctor, through her personal practice, and a competitive residency program under a functional medicine nutritionist. She prides herself in helping active women transform their mindsets and beliefs around food, find their true selves, and empower them to ignite their true athletic potential. Her passion stems from my struggles with disordered eating and multiple health battles during my teens, such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autoimmunity, and bulimia. In her twenties, from overactivity and disordered eating patterns known as orthorexia, she developed the Female Athlete Triad, a complex stemming from low energy intake and leading to a loss of menses and decreased bone density.  All these significantly impacted on her athletic career and could have all been avoided.   

She decided to enroll in her Master of Nutrition program so that her eyes were open to other avenues such as Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Supplementation, Food Sensitivity Testing, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Mindset Reformation. By incorporating these principles, entering a 12-step program known as Celebrate Recovery, and reshaping her relationship with food and herself; she was able to break the chains of disordered eating and regain her athletic ability back. Today, she has now found a deep passion for endurance sports and has an Ironman 70.3 set in her future endeavors.  

Her goal is to get to the root cause of the problem spiritually, emotionally, and physically to create new foundations, leading these women to transformation and success in their athletic careers and their lives.  It is an incredibly individualized approach that captures their strengths and uses them to "break the cycle."  

Today Blu interviews Drew Mulvey MS, CDN, CNS, CLT, PNL1, CISN. Drew graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Bridgeport with a Master of Science in Human Nutrition in 2018 and received a Bachelor of Arts in Biology in 2012.  She is currently certified by the state of Connecticut as a Certified Dietitian/Nutritionist as well as a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Leap Therapist, Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Integrative Sports Nutritionist, and has her own practice Redeeming Life Nutrition, LLC.  

Drew has gained her nutrition experience working in several arenas including weight loss clinics, personal training, interning under a naturopathic doctor, through her personal practice, and a competitive residency program under a functional medicine nutritionist. She prides herself in helping active women transform their mindsets and beliefs around food, find their true selves, and empower them to ignite their true athletic potential. Her passion stems from my struggles with disordered eating and multiple health battles during my teens, such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autoimmunity, and bulimia. In her twenties, from overactivity and disordered eating patterns known as orthorexia, she developed the Female Athlete Triad, a complex stemming from low energy intake and leading to a loss of menses and decreased bone density.  All these significantly impacted on her athletic career and could have all been avoided.   

She decided to enroll in her Master of Nutrition program so that her eyes were open to other avenues such as Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Supplementation, Food Sensitivity Testing, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Mindset Reformation. By incorporating these principles, entering a 12-step program known as Celebrate Recovery, and reshaping her relationship with food and herself; she was able to break the chains of disordered eating and regain her athletic ability back. Today, she has now found a deep passion for endurance sports and has an Ironman 70.3 set in her future endeavors.  

Her goal is to get to the root cause of the problem spiritually, emotionally, and physically to create new foundations, leading these women to transformation and success in their athletic careers and their lives.  It is an incredibly individualized approach that captures their strengths and uses them to "break the cycle."