Running Unbroken Podcast. Dr. Cameron Garber interviewed Coach Blu Robinson.

Have you ever felt like there is no way out? Well, we are here to tell you that there is. We have been in your shoes and have overcome our own misfortunes by learning to live life on our terms. This podcast will help you learn how to take control of your life and become the person who makes the decisions instead of having those decisions made for you.

Learn how to start living life on your terms. Understand what it means to be broken and how to live a fulfilling life despite setbacks. Learn to live life on your own terms. You are so much more than a label, circumstance or even a diagnosis. Today's podcast is all about how you can learn to find joy in your story and begin living the life you want.

Blu is a both a clinical mental health and substance abuse disorder counselor. He founded Addict to Athlete to help athletes get their lives back and get the healing and momentum they need to move forward and upward.

Listen in to hear him talk about how he's helped people through addiction recovery and what he's learned from them along the way!