Welcome to our weekly live show, Overtime with Coach Blu. Coach Blu is a licensed mental health therapist and certified substance use disorder counselor. Today's cohost is Addict II Athlete's own Athletic Director, Marisa Robinson. Marissa is a Certified Recreational Therapist. This is an open topic, so you, the listener, can participate by submitting your questions through direct messaging or jumping on the Facebook thread below to be a guest and participant on the show. We discuss addiction, recovery, mental illness, health and wellness, and much more. Today's topic: How to recognize an addiction and what to do if you have one.  

Please join Addict to Athlete’s Patreon support page and help us turn the mess of addiction into the message of sobriety!



For more information on Team Addict to Athlete and Addiction Recovery Podcasts please visit our website.


Welcome to our weekly live show, Overtime with Coach Blu. Coach Blu is a licensed mental health therapist and certified substance use disorder counselor. Today's cohost is Addict II Athlete's own Athletic Director, Marisa Robinson. Marissa is a Certified Recreational Therapist. This is an open topic, so you, the listener, can participate by submitting your questions through direct messaging or jumping on the Facebook thread below to be a guest and participant on the show. We discuss addiction, recovery, mental illness, health and wellness, and much more. Today's topic: How to recognize an addiction and what to do if you have one.  

Please join Addict to Athlete’s Patreon support page and help us turn the mess of addiction into the message of sobriety!



For more information on Team Addict to Athlete and Addiction Recovery Podcasts please visit our website.
