In this compelling episode of the Addict II Athlete podcast, Coach Blu sits down with Cody Martensen, a remarkable individual who has conquered addiction and transformed his life. Cody is not only a member of Addicts Fighting Back, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting those struggling with drug addiction, but also a shining example of resilience and personal growth.

Throughout the interview, Cody shares his inspiring story of recovery, highlighting the challenges he faced on his path to redemption. From the depths of addiction to reclaiming his life, he exemplifies the power of determination and the positive impact that support networks can have on an individual's journey.

One of the most significant turning points in Cody's life was his decision to step up as a father. He discusses the transformative influence of fatherhood, emphasizing how it motivated him to confront his demons, overcome his addiction, and become a role model for his children.

In addition to his personal experiences, Cody delves into the various avenues he explored to seek wisdom and personal growth. He reveals how books, relationships, and life experiences have shaped his perspective and strengthened his commitment to a life free from addiction. Listeners will gain valuable insights and practical tips for their own journeys of self-discovery and recovery.

Join Coach Blu and Cody Martensen in this raw and honest conversation as they explore the triumphs and challenges of addiction recovery, the significance of fatherhood, and the pursuit of wisdom through various life experiences. Tune in to this episode of the Addict II Athlete podcast to discover the transformative power of resilience, love, and personal growth.

Remember, no matter what you're facing, there is always hope for a brighter future.

For more infromation on Addicts Fighting Back please visit:


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