Dinesh Borwankar is the founder and head coach at Movement Strength Performance (MSP), a functional strength and conditioning centre in Bengaluru, India. He is an ACE Personal Trainer, that's the American College of Exercise. Dinesh was also an elite cricketer in what is now a previous life, playing for Karnataka through age-group cricket before moving away from the sport in 2018 to focus on his fitness career. I started as a client with Dinesh last September, and he has me feeling stronger and more mobile than I ever have since I could lay claim to being an adult (at least by age). 

Dinesh's functional fitness philosophy focuses on helping athletes perform their best with first principles thinking backed by the latest research in sports and movement science. He also works with general and special populations, focusing on lower back issues, rehabilitation, and conditioning. An avid reader, Dinesh's interests include self-help, strength and conditioning, psychology, and sport. Notoriously reticent and vocally opinionated in equal measure, I think his voice needs to be heard, and I'm delighted to have him as my first ever guest on this show.

In this episode, Dinesh talks about his early memories, journey into and out of cricket, the beginning of his fitness career, his health philosophy, and his vision for the maximum life. Intimate, raw, and authentic, this conversation was an absolute pleasure, and I hope an accurate reflection of the many conversations he and I have.

Get in touch with Dinesh on Instagram (@dineshborwankar). Movement Strength Performance is in Koramangala. Unfortunately, the studio is shut just now because of the lockdown, but there's good news too. Dinesh offers online programs and live training via Zoom, so be sure to get in touch if you're looking for a coach that genuinely cares about you and the science to get you feeling your best.

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