Marta Zaraska, coveted science journalist and author, helps explore the profound effect our social relationships have on our health and longevity. 


Marta writes for publications including Scientific American, the Atlantic and Washington Post, with her work being consumed the world over and inspiring TV Programs globally. With an obsessional interest in health and longevity, her works evolution has taken her to social health, purpose and altruism - with her latest book Growing Young


It turns out, unsurprisingly, that our bodies have beautifully evolved to motivate strong connection and to establish ourselves within a wholesome tribe. Every emotion of loneliness, ostracism, connection, and trust is driven by hormones and biochemical processes, as our bodies attempt to create maximum opportunity to survive, procreate and thrive. 


This conversation is so timely. With the 20 weeks + of Lockdowns and social isolation, there has been a very obvious toll on the health of our minds, health of out relationships, and health of our physiology. Being socially fulfilled and connected is not optional. It’s a human imperative. 


What’s fascinating is the cause and effect of loneliness on our body, and our bodies loneliness biochemistry on you mind. From immune system defence, how we see the world, self-protection, and our biological age. Every emotion has a purpose - to motivate action that returns us back to health! 


If you want to know about the hard stats on longevity and mortality risk benefits from have a strong social life, you’ll hear it here. We’ll cover how to evaluate the strength of your social health, whilst giving some ballpark metrics on number of friends etc. 


This is not a nice-to-have. Social media will NOT fill the void - the engagement is not real… at a human biological level. Prioritising your social health and purpose is a big deal. Start with this episode, and double click with Marta’s book Growing Young


Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed -


The #BeYourBest Journey : (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020) 



Where to find MARTA ZARASKA & her resources:

▪︎ Website -

▪︎ New Book - Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100

▪︎ Twitter -  @MZaraska



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